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Re-Optimizing your Content: The Step-by-Step Guide
Whether you’re a content writer or any kind of digital marketer, you’ll know that your brand’s content is important. Whatever you post, no matter the word length - it needs to be seen and read by your audience constantly. So that you get the most value out of it....

Long-Form vs Short-Form: What’s the Difference?
As you start to curate your own content plans and digital marketing plans for the rest of 2020 and beyond, you’re probably wondering what kind of content you should use. We already know that your content should be high-quality in order to best benefit your marketing...

Blogging with SEO in Mind
Search engine marketing or SEO is incredibly important for digital marketing. Optimising your websites’ SEO will help your brand become more visible to people who are searching for keywords that relate to your business on search engines. This includes Google Search,...

Why ALL Wedding Photographers Should Blog in 2021
Some might say that blogging has had its era. Been there, done that. Got over it rather quickly…Everyone’s on social media right now, right? That’s where it’s at. You won’t find a photographer worth their snaps without a Facebook page and Instagram account. You have...

Why Your Hotel Needs A Content Marketing Strategy
The travel and tourism space is extremely competitive. In order to remain top of mind and relevant among your client base, it is important for hotels (from small boutique hotels to large hotel chains) to establish and maintain a competitive advantage in their...

DIY Copy: Why It’s a Mistake
You may be starting a new business or building your website. Congratulations on that! You've got the products laid out. Everything looks good from your end. The next thing that you should do is to make sure that you convey the message properly to your audience. The...